CORPO VENDRIX are one of the four Factions within VoxoDeus.

‘Standing on the shoulders of gas giants.’

Permanence comes with a cost. One that must be shouldered by Corpo Vendrix.

The burden of industry.

Through the efforts of each and every staffer on the Vendrix datastream, the company is forged and reformed. Resigned and reimagined. Immortalised.

Expansion demands resource. Resource requires innovation. Innovation keeps the corporation ahead.

Doing what must be done today to fuel the future, that is the Corpo Vendrix method.

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Corpo Vendrix is named for the A.I. that leads the corporation towards its ultimate objective:

to become an immortal company.


Where once the Corpo Vendrix were one, now they are many - an ever-expanding corporation with ever-newer departments and an ever-more-complex system of governance.