Humanica is the third planet from the Dual Star.

It is a large planet, rich in glowing biodiversity and teeming with life. Formed of islands nestled in deep oceans, Humanica is a planet of diverse cultures and traditions.

As well as creatures of all shapes and sizes, it is home to a vast number of Sapiens, robits and Augs, and represents the heart of the Omega System.

Humanica is a neutral place where the Factions intersect. Traditionally, Humanica is where Omega and the Ascendii would pass on decrees to the population in a ceremony known as The Way. This involved a huge festival culminating in the interpretation of many signs - the findings of Datagazers, the positions of the Many Moons, the frequency of Starfall - and an official declaration by the Prime Council as to the next cycle of development in the Omega System.

Following the Vast War Of Ideas, the Factions no longer responded to The Way with the same commitment. The Prime Council’s influence waned, particularly with Corpo Vendrix and The Shen Tanks who sought their own authority.

Now, while Humanica remains the heart of the System, it is no longer the singular mind dictating the unified direction for all.

In recent cycles, Humanica has become a haven for outcasts from the Factions and a hotbed of cultural change. Ideas circulate quickly around the planet and The Way has increasingly come into question.

For now, there is still peace on Humanica. The Factions still have cause to exchange ideas, to trade and to cooperate. But for how long?