VoxoDeus is specifically set in the Omega System and the surrounding galaxy - a unique corner of space populated with scifi-mythic creatures, ranging from sentient robots to immortal cosmic beings.

It is thought that eons ago, The Omega programmed the Cypherverse into being. A swirling sea of hypercubes born from a neural nebula and pulsing with potential for life.

Voxodeus The_Omega_System.png

What is known is that the Omega System is unique among the explored Cypherverse, in that it contains a Dual Star around which all orbits.

This Dual Star - a combination of a Primary Star and a mysterious dark Second Star - gives off Starfall which showers the Omega System with rare materials.

The first planet, Torth , is the most dangerous place in the System, being constantly bombarded with extremely dangerous Starfall energy.

Torth orbits the Dual Star in such a way that it constantly acts as a shield for Diin , where the Ecumenopolis is situated, a planet-sized city largely in service to Corpo Vendrix.

Further out lies Humanica , a mostly neutral world where all Factions and species are represented. This is a trader’s paradise, and a civilisation built upon egalitarian ideals.

Further still lie the Sister Planets and the cluster of Many Moons. Here, Polarion and Luma Systemica have their homes, and the swirling orbits create constantly changing vistas.

Finally, on the outer edge, the titanic Ascendii planet, Asc-II , dominates. With a dense ring system that revolves perpendicular to the planets’ own orbit around the Dual Star, Asc-II is a mysterious astral body. The Glowing Moons orbit in such a way that they create what is called The Sling, a method that allows for huge propulsion. This is of great importance to Polarion who hope to use it to venture into deeper space.

By Phase Shifting with the Sling, it is thought that it will be possible to voyage into the Nubula. This ever-changing maze of planets, moons and asteroids is as-yet unexplained, though Polarion is intent on mapping it and revealing its secrets.