‘The Sister Planets’ is the collective name of 3 planets and the Many Moons which orbit them.

Acting almost like a system unto themselves, the planets and moons weave a complex thread as they silently rotate, one around another..

These myriad orbits are studied intently by Luma’s Moon Scholars, who seek to divine ideas and truths from both the alignment of, and space between, these astral bodies.

The Sister Planets themselves are named Huxx, Lurox and Gespyrox, with Gespyrox at the very center of the cluster.

Because of the constant movement of the myriad planets and moons, time seems strange out here. The shadow of a passing planet can cause day to become night, while the soft glow of an orbiting moon’s phosphorescent sea can make the night seem day again. Constantly shifting horizons and epic skies create a sight-seer’s paradise and The Shen Tanks frequent this sector for just those reasons.

The planet Huxx is where Polarion have their main headquarters. Being on the outer edge of the Sister Planets cluster allows them easy access to Asc-II and the Sling, which will soon allow for exploration of the Nebula.

The moon Lutens lies in Gespyrox’s orbit, and this is where Luma Systemica’s main college, and the all-important Central Conservatorium, is situated.

There was a time when the Sister planets were completely uninhabitable. It took perhaps the greatest feat of cooperation ever seen in the Omega System to make the planets liveable.

This happened in the form of the Sister-planets Project, a massive terraforming endeavour that took the elements of each planet and moon and recombined them in a way never before attempted.

Brilliant minds, having studied these astral bodies for generations, finally finished documenting their composition materials. It was discovered that the Planets, along with several moons, contained all the elements required to create atmosphere, and in quantities that would allow all three sister planets to be liveable. Almost as if Omega Itself had placed the ingredients but never finished the recipe.

The Sister-planets Project took centuries of heavy industry, and proved incredibly lucrative for the fledgling Corpo Vendrix, who greatly optimized their capacity for mining and deep-space operations.